Friday, February 6, 2015

Mice are Nice!

MICE ARE NICE Preschool Storytime


Other titles that would work:

Alphabet Under Construction by Denise Fleming

Hide-and-Squeak by Heather Vogel Frederick

If You See a Kitten by John Butler
Maisy Goes to the Library by Lucy Cousins
Make a Wish Bear by Greg E. Foley
Mice by Rose Fyleman
Mouse Mess by Linnea Asplind Riley
Where’s Mommy? by Beverly Donofrio

Extension Activities: 
"Hello, Friends" song
[note: This song incorporates sign language]

Hello, friends
Hello, friends
Hello, friends
It's time to say hello. 
[Credit: Dana and Lindsey]
Check out Jbrary's video for the correct signs. 

"If You're Ready for a Story" song
[tune: If You're Happy and You Know it] 

If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
If you're ready for a story, then you're surly in your glory,
If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
[Repeat with Nod Your Head!, Sit So Still!, and Do All Three!]

"What's in the Memory Box" group activity

Each week we go through our storytime books and find something small on the pages that we can include in our "Memory Box" (a converted shoebox.)  This can be a pencil or a butterfly or any other object found on the pages of one of your books.  At the start of storytime, we give hints as to what's in the box and the kids take turns guessing until somone figures it out.  Then they watch for that object on the pages as we read.
[credit: Abby the Librarian]

"A Little Mouse Ran Up the Clock" group activity

A little mouse ran up the clock  (zoom 1st mouse up the clock)
He thought that it was fun
But when he reached the very top
The clock struck one (say BONG and clap once - the pull the magnet away and the mouse falls.)

A second mouse ran up the clock (zoom 2nd mouse up)
To see if it was true
And when she reached the very top
The clock struck two (say BONG and clap 2x - pull the magnet away and the mouse falls.)

A third mouse ran up the clock (zoom 3rd mouse up)
Two see what he could see
But when he reached the very top
The clock struck three (say BONG and clap 3x- pull the magnet away and the mouse falls.)

A fourth mouse ran up the clock (zoom 4th mouse up)
Wanting to explore
But when she reached the very top
The clock struck four (say BONG and clap four 4x - pull magnet away and the mouse falls.)
[Adapted from: Perry Public Library]

"10 Mice Came to Class" song & flannel board
[tune: 10 Little Indians] 

1 mouse, 2 mice, 3 mice came to class (put a mouse on the flannel with each count)
4 mice, 5 mice, 6 mice came to class (put a mouse on the flannel with each count)
7 mice, 8 mice, 9 mice came to class (put a mouse on the flannel with each count)
10 mice came to class (put the cat on the flannel)


1 mouse, 2 mice, 3 mice ran away (remove each mouse as you count)
4 mice, 5 mice, 6 mice ran away (remove each mouse as you count)
7 mice, 8 mice, 9 mice ran away (remove each mouse as you count)
but the 10th mouse (actually the cat) decided to stay.

"Little Mouse" group activity

This game works on colors, counting and 'paying attention' (the other kids will let you know if a certain color has already been called.)  After our books are read, we play a round or two of Little Mouse.  See Nutmeg's Debut! for more information about our Little Mouse game.

"Goodbye, Friends" song

[note: This song incorporates sign language]

Goodbye, friends
Goodbye, friends
Goodbye, friends
It's time to say goodbye. 
[Credit: Dana and Lindsey,]

Check out Jbrary's video for the correct signs. 

action rhymes, action songs, Little Mouse game, preschool storytime, sign language,