Sunday, December 7, 2014

Stuffed Animal Sleepover: Christmas Edition!

The Bellevue Public Library hosted its 4th Stuffed Animal Sleepover on December 6, 2014. Due to the busy holiday season the Children's staff decided not to incorporate a party with the stuffed animals' owners into the schedule.  Children were invited to bring in a stuffed animal during the week of the sleepover.  Mrs. B. and I, along with several of our Junior Friends, had a great time putting on a sleepover party for the animals!  We kept our cameras nearby as we played board games, had a snack, ordered pizza, read stories, helped to decorate a tree, and spent the night at the library.  We even took everyone out for breakfast in the morning!  I hope you will enjoy the movie we put together to help remember our 2014 Stuffed Animal Sleepover: Christmas edition!  You can watch it here or find it on Youtube (search: Bellevue Public Library Christmas Sleepover).
We'd love to hear your comments and/or suggestions which will surely help us improve future Sleepover movies!

[credit: Mrs. B via]

Friday, November 21, 2014


OWLS Preschool Storytime

Books we shared:

Other titles that would work:

Extension Activities: 

"Hello, Friends" song

[note: This song incorporates sign language]

Hello, friends
Hello, friends
Hello, friends
It's time to say hello. 
[Credit: Dana and Lindsey,]

Check out Jbrary's video for the correct signs. 

"If You're Ready for a Story" song

[tune: If You're Happy and You Know it] 

If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
If you're ready for a story, then you're surly in your glory,
If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
[Repeat with Nod Your Head!, Sit So Still!, and Do All Three!]

"Who Am I?" action rhyme

I only like to fly at night (flap your arms like you're flying)
When the stars are shining bright (spirit fingers in the air)
When I sit high in my tree (make a circle above your head with your arms)
It's everything that I can see (circle your eyes with your hands)
My jacket's made of fluffy feathers (fluff your feathery jacket)
That can withstand all types of weather (shiver, fan your face)
My favorite word is Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! (say it out loud)
Now you know just what to do!
Who Am I? 
[Credit: Michelle Bullock, Bellevue Public Library]

"Wide-Eyed Owl" finger play

There’s a wide-eyed owl (circle your eyes with your hands)
With a pointed nose (make a beak with your fingers)
Two pointed ears (make ears with your fingers)
And claws for toes (wiggle your “claws”)
He lives way up in the tree (point way up)
And when he looks at you (point to children)
He flaps his wings (flap your wings)
And says, “Whoo! Whoo!” (say “whoo whoo”)

"Little Mouse" group activity

This game works on colors, counting and 'paying attention' (the other kids will let you know if a certain color has already been called.)  After our books are read, we play a round or two of Little Mouse.  See Nutmeg's Debut! for more information about our Little Mouse game.

"Goodbye, Friends" song

[note: This song incorporates sign language]

Goodbye, friends
Goodbye, friends
Goodbye, friends
It's time to say goodbye. 
[Credit: Dana and Lindsey,]

Check out Jbrary's video for the correct signs.

Friday, November 14, 2014


FRUITS & VEGGIES Preschool Storytime


Other titles that would work:

Apples and Pumpkins by Anne Rockwell

Chew, Chew Gulp! by Lauren Thompson

No More Vegetables! by Nicole Rubel
Rah, Rah, Radishes by April Pulley Sayre

Talia and the Rude Vegetables by Linda Elovitz Marshall

Tap the Magic Tree by Christie Matheson

The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli

Up, Down, and Around by Katherine Ayres

Weslandia by Paul Fleischman

Extension Activities: 
"Hello, Friends" song
[note: This song incorporates sign language]

Hello, friends
Hello, friends
Hello, friends
It's time to say hello. 

[Credit: Jbrary] Check out Jbrary's video for the correct signs. 

"If You're Ready for a Story" song  
[tune: If You're Happy and You Know it] 

If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
If you're ready for a story, then you're surly in your glory,
If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
[Repeat with Nod Your Head!, Sit So Still!, and Do All Three!]

"All Around the Berry Fields" action song
[Tune: Pop goes the Weasel]
(Kids start in a crouch position and act out the movements of picking, bringing home, washing, then POP up at the end.)

All around the strawberry fields,
We pick some juicy berries.
We bring them home and wash them off,
Pop! go the berries!

[Repeat with kiddo's suggestions or other berries: Blueberry, Raspberry, Blackberry, etc.]

[Credit: Jbrary]

"Go Bananas!" action song
Make sure to alternate from one arm to the other for each step.  Watch phemone153's video to get an idea on the tempo and movements.  We added "chop" and "mash" and stopped after "Go, bananas!" 

First you form, banana.  Form, form, banana.
And you form, banana.  Form, form, banana.
Then you peel, banana.  Peel, peel banana.
And you peel, banana.  Peel, peel banana.
Then you chop, banana.  Chop, chop banana.
And you chop, banana.  Chop, chop banana. 

Then you mash, banana.  Mash, mash banana.
And you mash, banana.  Mash, mash banana.
Then you go, bananas.  Go, go bananas!

"Fruit Salad" action song

Wa-ter-mel-on, wa-ter-mel-on (arms round over your head)
Pa-pa-ya, pa-pa-ya (praying hands start level with your face and tap out the syllables)
Ba-a-a-a-nana, ba-a-a-a-nana (arms like your rocking a baby)
Fruit salad!  Fruit salad! (swing your arms 'celebration' style)

[Credit: Jbrary]

"Little Kitten" group activity

This game works on colors, counting, taking turns and 'paying attention' (the other kids will let you know if a certain color has already been called.)  After our books are read, we play a round or two of Little Kitten.  See Nutmeg's Debut! for more information about our Little Mouse/Little Kitten games.

"Goodbye, Friends" song 
[note: This song incorporates sign language]

Goodbye, friends
Goodbye, friends
Goodbye, friends
It's time to say goodbye. 

[Credit: Jbrary] Check out Jbrary's video for the correct signs. 

Friday, November 7, 2014


FEET Preschool Storytime


Other titles that would work:

Check out Perry Public Library at for more fantastic themed lists!

Extension Activities: 

"Hello, Friends" song

[note: This song incorporates sign language]

Hello, friends
Hello, friends
Hello, friends
It's time to say hello. 
[Credit: Dana and Lindsey,]

Check out Jbrary's video for the correct signs. 

"If You're Ready for a Story" song

[tune: If You're Happy and You Know it] 

If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
If you're ready for a story, then you're surly in your glory,
If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
[Repeat with Nod Your Head!, Sit So Still!, and Do All Three!]

"Everybody Knows that I Love My Toes" song

Everybody knows that I love my toes!
Everybody knows that I love my toes!
I love my eyes, my ears, my mouth and my nose,
But everybody knows that I love my toes!
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your toes!
Wiggle, wiggle!  Wiggle, wiggle!
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your toes!
Wiggle, wiggle!  Wiggle, wiggle!

"This Old Man" action song [feet version]
Act out each movement, first fast then be really dramatic with the slooow.
[tune: This Old Man] 

This old man, he has feet,
See him walking down the street,
With a tippy-tap, tipy-tap, watch him go,
Sometimes fast and some...times...slow.
[Repeat: Skipping, Dancing, Marching]

"Counting Feet" flannel board

How many boots should the duckling buy,
To keep her feet warm and dry?
Let's count her feet and then we'll know,
Let's count together!  Here we go!
One ... Two! (pointing to each foot as you count)
Two new boots is what she should buy,
They will keep duckling warm and dry.
[Place boots on duckling, counting as you do.]
[Repeat: Puppy, Ladybug, etc.]

"Little Mouse" group activity

This game works on colors, counting and 'paying attention' (the other kids will let you know if a certain color has already been called.)  After our books are read, we play a round or two of Little Mouse.  See Nutmeg's Debut! for more information about our Little Mouse game.

"Goodbye, Friends" group song

[note: This song incorporates sign language]

Goodbye, friends
Goodbye, friends
Goodbye, friends
It's time to say goodbye. 
[Credit: Dana and Lindsey,]

Check out Jbrary's video for the correct signs. 

Friday, October 31, 2014


MONSTER Preschool Storytime


Other titles that would work:

Check out Perry Public Library at for more fantastic themed lists!

Extension Activities: 

"Hello, Friends" group song

[note: This song incorporates sign language]

Hello, friends
Hello, friends
Hello, friends
It's time to say hello. 
[Credit: Dana and Lindsey,]

Check out Jbrary's video for the correct signs. 

"If You're Ready for a Story" group song

[tune: If You're Happy and You Know it] 

If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
If you're ready for a story, then you're surly in your glory,
If you're ready for a story clap your hands!
[Repeat with Nod Your Head!, Sit So Still!, and Do All Three!]

"Monster Pokey" group song
You put your claws in
You put your claws out
You put your claws in and you shake them all about
You do the Monster Pokey and you turn yourself around [CLAP]
That's what it's all about!
[Repeat with Horns, Fangs, Tail, and Whole Monster]

"I'm a Little Monster" song & flannel board

[tune: I'm a Little Teapot] 

I'm a little monster, friendly and bright.
I promise not to give, anyone a fright.
I love polka dots, but I have none.
So come on up, if you have a red one.

I'm a little monster, friendly and bright.
I promise not to give, anyone a fright.
I love polka dots, and I have some.
So come on up, if you have a blue one.
[Repeat: orange, green, yellow, purple]

I'm a little monster, friendly and bright.
I promise not to give, anyone a fright.
I love polka dots, aren't they fun.
Now everyone take your seat, because our song is done.

I handed out the felt circles to the kiddos/parents on their way into storytime. They came up one at a time to decorate our monster as their color was called.  The "Monster" is made out of felt and 'stands' about 20" tall. The circles were cut out of felt using our AccutCut.

"Little Mouse" group activity

This game works on colors, counting and 'paying attention' (the other kids will let you know if a certain color has already been called.)  After our books are read, we play a round or two of Little Mouse.  See Nutmeg's Debut! for more information about our Little Mouse game.

"Goodbye, Friends" group song

[note: This song incorporates sign language]

Goodbye, friends
Goodbye, friends
Goodbye, friends
It's time to say goodbye. 
[Credit: Dana and Lindsey,]

Check out Jbrary's video for the correct signs. 

Friday, October 24, 2014


BEARS Preschool Storytime 

During Preschool Storytime this week, we read stories, sang songs, and had fun with action rhymes that were all about Bears!

Saying Hello ---

We woke up our furry storytime-rat puppet, Nutmeg, with a loud and cheerful, "Good morning, Nutmeg!"  After Nutmeg said her good mornings to all, she settled back down in her Cat in the Hat bed to listen to our stories.

We opened storytime with our Good Morning song that incorporates sign languageCheck out Jbrary's video for the correct signs.  The words to the song go like this:

Hello, friends
Hello, friends
Hello, friends
It's time to say hello. 
[Credit: Dana and Lindsey,]

Each word is said while integrating sign language.  The kids are getting really good at the hand signs in this song.  They asked to sing it again, which is a good sign.

Opening Song ---

"If You're Ready for a Story"  
[tune: If You're Happy and You Know it] 
[Credit (with minor adaptions) /]

If you're ready for a story Clap Your Hands!
If you're ready for a story Clap Your Hands!
If you're ready for a story, then you're surly in your glory,
If you're ready for a story Clap Your Hands!
[Repeat with *Nod Your Head!, * Sit So Still, and * Do All Three!]

Books ---

Never Ask a Bear by Louise Bonnett-Rampersaud; illustrated by Doris Barnette ---

Bears in the Bath by Shirley Parenteau; illustrated by David Walker ---

How Do You Sleep? by Louise Bonnett-Rampersaud; illustrated by Kristin Kest --- 


Extension Activities ---

Props Used: Five flannel bears and a flannel bed

 Action Song:

Five Bears in the Bed
We incorporated the colors of the bears into the song.

Five bears in the bed and the red one said, "Roll over!  Roll over!"
They all rolled over and purple fell out!
[Repeat: Four through two, then bring them all back again!]

Big Brown Bear
[Credit: /]

Grrr! Grrr! went the big brown bear one day,
Grrr! Grrr! went the big brown bear.
Grrr! Grrr! went the big brown bear one day,
So they all went Grrr! Grrr! Grrr!


We all know bears go,Huggy – huggy – hug Huggy – huggy – hug Huggy – huggy – hug
We all know bears go,
Huggy – huggy – hug They don't go Grrr! Grrr! Grrr!

Action Rhyme:

Brown Bear, Brown Bear 
[Credit: Various adaptions]
[Tune: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around]

Brown bear, brown bear, turn around:
Brown bear, brown bear, touch the ground.
Stand up tall and blink your eyes;
Now raise your paws up to the sky.

Brown bear, brown bear, touch your toes;
Brown bear, brown bear, tap you rnose.
Clap your paws, now stomp your feet;
Turn around and take your seat.

We repeated this rhyme three times, each time with a different kind of bear. Between all three presentations, our kids chose Black (2x), Fluffy, Panda, and Polar (2x)

Little Mouse:

This game works on colors, counting and 'paying attention' (the other kids will let you know if a certain color has already been called.)  After our books are read, we play a round or two of Little Mouse.  See Nutmeg's Debut! for more information about our Little Mouse game.

Saying Goodbye ---

We closed storytime with our goodbye song which incorporates sign language.  The words and signs to the song are very similar to our Hello song:

Goodbye, friends
Goodbye, friends
Goodbye, friends
It's time to say goodbye.

Again, check out Jbrary's video for the correct signs.  

Feeding Nutmeg ---

When storytime came to an end, the kids lined up and fed Nutmeg imaginary food they brought in their pockets, gave her high-fives and hugs, or just pet her head.  Today she ate corn, a half dozen lollipops, chocolate chip cookies, two apples, a handful of grapes, and a banana.